Business Solutions
An all-in-one franchise management platform
Emerging Brands
Established Brands
International / Global Brands
Multi-Unit and/or Multi-Brand
Franchise Portfolios
Private Equity Portfolios
Franchise Association Membership
Franchise Supplier / Vendor Portfolios

Competitive Benefits
Position your brand to be best-in-class
Optimize and improve unit level economics
Assess and establish result driven franchisee/work team relationships
Provide solutions to current labor shortage to retain and align personal and professional skills
Qualify and align franchise leads to brand culture
Provide geolocation tools to illustrate strategic growth opportunities (domestic and global)
Establish scalable and sustainable processes with technology
Centralize marketing to maintain brand standards that can be pushed out to 180+ social networks

Scalable and Sustainable Solutions
Franchise System, Home Office, Franchise Support Center
External Franchisee, unit level/locations
Brand Customer/Client offerings (customer portals)
Franchise Development
Private Equity Centralized Services

Understand Your Franchise Business
ProfileSphere™ accelerates recruiting, new hire applications, personality & conflict detection, and establish strategic relationships
SynergySphere™ creates connections with customized criteria that aligns brand culture, standards and best practices. by matching users to other users, training, business development and growth opportunities, jobs, events, and work groups
ContactSphere™ CRM scales your people management information

Connect Your Franchise Family
SocialSphere™ enables your franchise network to get to know one another
GroupSphere™ collaboration in private or open groups for sharing files, ideas, and promoting rapid communication
MarketingSphere™ captures stories and best practices for franchisor to share with franchisees that push to 180+ social networks

Mobilize Your Franchise Network
JobSphere™ acquires new talent and matches new job postings "intelligently" using ProfileSphere™ assessments
EventSphere™ accelerates registrations for webinars, live events and on-demand recordings
LearningSphere™ LMS scales training and education for the entire workforce and new franchisees

Communicate with Your Franchise Family
MessageSphere™ gives you full control to send mass emails, newsletters or SMS text messages to your franchise network
SurveySphere™ enables you to conduct pulse surveys to capture data rapidly

Measure the Impact of your Franchise Network
EnterpriseSphere™ connects franchisor and franchisees together to share training, employee profiles, group collaboration, events, webinars and more
IntelligenceSphere™ enables measurement with real-time analytic tracking across your franchise network

Learn More About Franchise Business Solutions
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